Monday, August 18, 2008


With the new fall season right around the corner, I thought I'd divulge my top ten favorite TV shows so you will know when not to call me (JK--we Tivo everything so I never watch anything when it is really on--except the Olympics and the commercials are killing me!) I know Coby Long will have nothing better to do up in Alaska than get caught up on all my favorites.
  1. Bones
  2. Psych
  3. Smallville
  4. The Office
  5. Eli Stone
  6. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
  7. 24
  8. Lost
  9. House

Okay, so I guess I only have 9. One and two are clearly defined and then 3 through 7 are neck and neck (and neck, etc.). I really like Lost but it stresses me out and is kind of depressing overall so that is why it is further down on the list. Nothing against House but the others are so much better!

Now, for Marci's benefit, my favorite reality shows:

  1. Survivor
  2. American Gladiators
  3. The Apprentice
  4. America's Next Top Model
  5. Groomer Has It (yeah, I'm probably the only person in the universe that watches this show)
  6. Jon & Kate + eight
  7. Biggest Loser

Since most of my favorites are an hour long, you can see why I am so in love with my Tivo? What did we ever do without it?


Marci said...

America's Top Model is one of my all-time favorites :-)! I'm ready for the regular shows to start up again - it was a boring summer! What are you guys doing Thursday? Wanna swim or come over here?

Elizabeth said...

I found your blog! We could totally watch TV together! I like a lot of those...although I have never heard of that one reality show. LOL