Sunday, March 15, 2009


Apparently, Ian became an expert crawler sooner than I expected. The bruises below are from his first tumble down a full flight of stairs and onto the tile. I was changing Brooklynn's diaper and feel horrible that he fell when he came looking for me. Luckily, it didn't require more than a call to the doctor and a close eye on him for the next 24 hours. We're glad that his first tooth (which had appeared a few days previously) wasn't damaged.
I'm so sorry, Ian!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Our Latest and Greatest

Brooklynn and Ian had their first official haircuts a few weeks ago. Brooklynn loved it because she got to watch a Dora video. It was a little touch and go for Ian at first. I include this picture because Aunt Betsy thinks crying baby pictures are cute.
Afterwards . . . happiness is being able to ride in the car at the grocery store.

Brooklynn got a bike!

Ian went for his first ride in the bike trailer!
Brooklynn finally went poo-poo on the potty! To celebrate she got her much anticipated stickers and then stacked them on top of each other.
John's parents came out for a long weekend and all the Texas siblings met in San Antonio. We had a great time at Sea World--even in the cold! Below: Boni with Skyler, John and Ian, and Phil and Ally. (Thanks, Jana--I forgot to take pictures so I stole these from you!)
Me and Matty.
At a rest stop on the way home. As adventurous as Brooklynn is--she was not excited about this climb.

A new dresser for Ian means a new house for Brooklynn! She reminded me of many construction clients I'd dealt with in the past--when we were finished and the door wouldn't close just right, she said she wanted a new house!

Ian is now nine months old! This is an exciting milestone for me--it means I've now had him longer than anyone else. We lubba you, Inee!
Ian has just started crawling and pulling himself up on things. To stay limber he has also taken up yoga.
Today we decided at the last minute to have a picnic at the Williams Tower--one of my favorite places in Houston--with the Bonds and Careys .